‘Devourer’ Fungus Could Wipe Out Salamanders in the Southeast

Scientists are hoping to head off an extinction crisis in Appalachia, a hotspot of amphibian biodiversity.

When Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, or Bd, emerged in the mid-twentieth century, scientists and conservationists watched helplessly as the fungus swept like a biblical flood through amphibian populations across the planet. Commonly known as chytrid, the disease spread rapidly and crippled nearly every new amphibian species it encountered, exhibiting a particular violence towards frogs and toads. It soon claimed 90 species and affected nearly 500 others.

Chytrid hit so hard and spread so quickly that by the time the public knew what it was around the late 1980s, there was little chance to save many of these affected species. For that reason, some have called Bd an ecological supervillain. Others refer to it as the doomsday fungus. Both monikers, regrettably, tend more toward fact than hyperbole.

Today, we’re on the brink of another outbreak.

As Bd continues its rampage among toads and frogs, a new insidious threat has begun to emerge, this time targeting a different class of amphibians: salamanders. In 2013, scientists described a second species of chytrid fungusBatrachochytrium salamandrivorans, or Bsal, when it arrived in Europe from Southeast Asia and spread to the vulnerable fire salamanders of the Netherlands. Living at the edge of its geographic range and confined to small populations with low genetic diversity, this species stood as a perfect target for the fungus. In three years, fire salamander numbers declined by 96 percent. The scientific name of the fungus, which means “salamander devourer” in Latin, rang true: It was indeed the devourer of salamanders.

In the southeastern United States, a hotspot of salamander biodiversity, the amphibians are safe from this new chytrid fungus, for now. But as scientists watch the demise of the fire salamanders from across the sea, many of them agree: Bsal is on its way.

“We have to think of it as more of a matter of when it gets here than if,” says Debra Miller, a professor at the University of Tennessee and a co-leader of the disease task team with Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. “With all the salamander species we have throughout Appalachia, we could lose a huge portion of them.”

salamander pond
An ephemeral pond in Pigeon Mountain, Georgia with high numbers of larval salamanders. Photo by Seánín Óg, (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Roughly 20 percent of the world’s salamander species live in the American Southeast. Many of them make their home nowhere else on the planet. The region contains numerous examples of isolated species living in small populations, vulnerable to a quick extinction with any sort of disruption to their health or environment much like the fire salamander. There’s the Pigeon Mountain salamander, for example, endemic to a single mountaintop in the state of Georgia, and the Black Warrior waterdog, found only within the Black Warrior River Basin in Alabama. There’s also the South Mountain gray-cheeked salamander, the Peaks of Otter salamander, the Caddo Mountain salamander — and the list goes on.

It’s the same environmental anomalies that make the Appalachian region such a perfect home for salamander biodiversity that have also led to this sort of speciation and separation. Over the millions of years salamanders have evolved in the Southeast, the various mountain ranges and elevation gradients have acted as natural barriers to connectivity. Certain species prefer lower elevations while others prefer higher, and this separation has led to the emergence of unique populations in isolated regions.

But that speciation makes some of these species particularly vulnerable. Any small disturbance here — habitat destruction, climate change, or, perhaps most menacingly, an invasive fungal infection like Bsal — could spell immediate doom.

As the advent of Bsal approaches, many scientists are preparing for its onslaught. Having learned harsh lessons from Bd, they carry a haunting sense of déjà vu. But they also see this next wave of chytrid as a second chance at saving amphibians and preempting another extinction crisis. “When Bd first hit, we didn’t know anything,” Miller says. “We’re still learning, and now investigating Bsal as well.”

Mystery still shrouds much of the biology and virulence of these diseases, and therefore inhibits attempts to create effective treatment protocols. This lack of understanding is one of the primary reasons that Bd has been so destructive to amphibians, and why Bsal would be too.

Ordinarily, the response to this sort of marauding infection would be to secure a captive population of the imperiled species in order to shield at least some portion from the disease, and to enable the possibility of reintroduction once the environment can again support them. But Miller is quick to point out that captive propagation programs — often referred to as ex situ conservation — are notoriously difficult to carry out for even a single species, not to mention the dozens that would be impacted simultaneously if Bsal were to reach the Southeast.

They have certainty proved challenging in the case of toads and frogs at risk from Bd. “We lost a lot of species because we didn’t know how to successfully care for and breed these animals in captivity,” Miller says. In the case of vulnerable salamanders, she suggests that we learn from the past and use the time we have to prepare ahead of Bsal’s arrival.

“I don’t think it would be a far-fetched idea at all to have something in place to do [ex situ],” says Miller. “And we don’t need to wait until it gets so close that it’s a last resort.”

There exists a tendency in conservation to rarely initiate ex situ programs until the threat has already begun taking its toll. For a menace like Bsal — one that we know is coming — a last resort measure could perhaps be better seen as a preemptive defense against an imminent onslaught.

“When we think of conservation, we think of intact systems and wild animals in those systems thriving,” says Kat Diersen, Southeast representative for Defenders of Wildlife. “Ex situ conservation is not that. Ex situ is Noah’s Ark.”

The Yonahlossee salamander is found in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Photo by Marshal Hedin, (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Diersen acknowledges the difficulty in breaking from these traditional views, but also recognizes the unique danger Bsal poses to the vulnerable biodiversity of southeastern salamanders. “These are animals that are challenged on multiple fronts,” she says. “Their adaptive capacity, their representation, their redundancy and their resiliency are all hugely negatively impacted. For those species, the introduction of a disease? It could be an overnight wipe-out,” she adds, snapping her fingers, her eyes cold, her face set grimly. “For most species, ex situ conservation would normally be considered extreme measures, but for southeastern salamanders it’s going to need to be a foundational element of our strategy for saving them.”

Ex situ conservation requires huge amounts of money, capacity, collaboration and commitment — and belief, at the end of the day, that these expenditures are worthwhile and that the salamanders of the Southeast are worth investing in. This shift toward preemptive conservation requires a fundamental change in practices, fueled by an influx of public support.

Even if this support materializes, realistically, these efforts will be confined to the most vulnerable species. And while screening efforts are in place to prevent Bsal’s arrival through the pet trade, they are admittedly inadequate to reliably stop the pathogen in its tracks.

That’s why other conservation avenues must also be pursued if we are to become truly ready for Bsal’s eventual landfall. It is this understanding that drives the work of Diersen and her partners.

“These diseases are going to come,” says Diersen. “The best thing we can do for species in the wild that are facing these threats from all directions is to give them the resiliency they need to bounce back from a systemic event like the introduction of disease. If we can connect, protect and restore their habitat, their overall adaptive capacity will be greater. We know what these creatures need: protection, restoration, connectivity. Those are the key.”

This story was reprinted from Earth Island Journal. You can find the original here.

Could a California Law Help Save America’s Public Lands Throughout the West?

The state used an innovative new law to fight back against the Trump administration’s expansion of oil and gas drilling — and that could provide a model for the rest of the country.

Could a little-known bill that recently passed in California serve as a model to save public lands throughout the American West from destructive oil and gas drilling?

The innovative bill, an amendment to California’s Public Resources Code, goes by the inauspicious name of AB 342. That may not sound like much, but it accomplishes a lot.

The bill came as a response to an April 2019 announcement that the Trump administration planned to open more than 1 million acres of federal public lands in California to fracking and oil drilling. AB 342 became law this past October, a month after California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered a limited moratorium on new fracking operations in the state, an action that lacked authority over public lands.

AB 342 closed that gap by making it illegal to build new pipelines and other infrastructure on state lands. Since any extractive industries operating on federal land would require infrastructure to move drilled oil and gas from public lands, this effectively blocks the new drilling permitted by the Trump administration.

“We need to fight the Trump administration’s plan to frack and drill for oil in some of our most beautiful national and state parks,” says state assembly member Al Muratsuchi, who sponsored the bill.

Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park, an area now at risk from fracking and oil drilling. Photo: Matt Machin (CC BY 2.0)

Fracking is a notoriously involved process, requiring miles of pipelines, specialized equipment and pollution-heavy processing facilities. The environmental nonprofit Earthworks describes fracking as a “vicious cycle” because after the infrastructure is in place oil and gas companies can ramp up production even more to offset the costs of building it.

Muratsuchi says he was alarmed by the rapid expansion of fracking in his other jurisdictions and wanted to design a bill that would curb the Trump administration’s power.

“They have already approved new drilling and pipelines in the wildflower rich Carrizo Plain National Monument near San Luis Obispo,” he says. “By prohibiting the issuance of new oil infrastructure leases on state lands, AB 342 is sending a clear message to Trump that we will fight to protect these beautiful lands for current and future generations.”

Beyond California

Experts say California’s bill works creatively to stop the exploitation of public lands and could offer an important model for other Western states, like Colorado and Utah, where exploitation of public, federal lands has caused tension.

“By prohibiting new infrastructure on state and public lands near these protected federal lands, other states could also safeguard federally protected land and national monuments within their borders,” Muratsuchi explains.

The progressive advocacy group Voices for Progress helped to pass a precursor bill to AB 342, AB 1775, which applied to offshore drilling in federal waters, and supported the new bill as well.

“Because of the cost-prohibitive and impractical nature of alternatives, these policies strongly disincentivize and effectively prevent drilling, with all of its inherent risks, in these delicate and important natural areas,” says Sandra Fluke, the group’s president. “We’ve already seen this policy approach spread to other states as a way of preventing offshore drilling … so I certainly hope other states will also utilize the model regarding federal public lands.”

Jeremy Nichols, climate and energy program director at WildEarth Guardians, says his group is pushing the governor of Colorado to take a similar approach.

“We want to see him put his foot down on some of these plans being developed for public lands in Colorado,” Nichols says.

WildEarth Guardians’ current strategy involves advocating for the governor to use the state’s existing climate plan to leverage the federal government (like California, Colorado has far more stringent regulations on fossil fuels than the federal government). The Bureau of Land Management is considering opening vast swathes of western Colorado to oil and gas extraction, to the dismay of conservation groups in the area.

“Federal law states that these plans have to be consistent with state level laws and regulations that deal with environment, health and safety,” Nichols explains. “These plans that the BLM are considering would cause a massive increase in fracking on our public lands, which is totally inconsistent with our state climate initiative.”

Colorado protest
A Colorado fracking protest. Photo: John Duffy (CC BY 2.0)

Although the approach might vary slightly, Nichols says the core idea is the same: States can and should use their authority to protect public lands, even federal ones.

“It’s absolutely along the same line of thinking as Gov. Newsom,” he says. “How can the state use its land, its regulatory authority, its power in some way to try and slow, and maybe derail, the Trump administration?”

Fights over oil and gas extraction on public lands have exploded across the West since President Trump’s election. Sometimes anti-fracking advocates have been able to get federal judges on their side, as in Wyoming, where a U.S. judge blocked expansion of fracking on public lands after he ruled that the administration had not adequately assessed environmental impact.

But where that hasn’t been successful, bills modelled after AB 342 could be another avenue for change, as Fluke and Nichols explain. Over 90% of federal public lands are in the West, but there are still significant state controlled holdings in those areas. If state agencies are not collaborating with the administration, ramping up fracking further would be difficult.

Nichols thinks that AB 342’s impact would go much further if western states come together to advocate against the Trump administration.

That’s especially important, Nichols says, because California’s oil and gas industry, while extensive, is smaller than the ones in other western states like Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico.

“When you think about air and water,” he says, “it doesn’t mind political boundaries, one region, one area. So, we need to get western states coming together to hold the line there.”

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EPA Enforcement in Distress — and More Trouble Is Brewing

The White House has now quietly and ominously asked polluters to help identify new opportunities for deregulation.

In recent months the Trump administration has intensified its assault on federal environmental safeguards on several fronts. It has proposed drastic reductions in the scope of protections against water and air pollution, lagged in the cleanup of hazardous waste contamination, allowed the continued marketing of toxic herbicides, narrowed the scope of needed environmental impact reviews, ignored and undermined legitimate scientific studies and findings, and dismantled government attempts to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis.

Every bit as disturbing, but much less discussed, is a discouraging deterioration in the rigor of EPA’s once-effective enforcement program, which identifies and punishes polluters that skirt federal regulations.

The agency’s latest enforcement statistics reflect a dramatic decline in injunctive relief — the amount of money EPA-enforcement activities compelled polluters to commit to spending to correct their environmental violations and maintain compliance with the law. That crucial metric fell to its lowest level in 15 years, from $20.6 billion in 2017 to just $3.95 billion in 2018.

Similarly, statistics released recently by the U.S. Department of Justice indicate that the number of environmental criminal cases referred by EPA in 2018 declined to a shocking 20-year low. Though the agency’s enforcement efforts did have some legitimate successes in 2018 — particularly with respect to the control of lead contamination in public housing — the overall decline in enforcement still stands out.

EPA rally
American Federation of Government Employees rally outside of EPA headquarters. Photo: Chelsea Bland (CC BY 2.0)

EPA’s current enforcement strategy has emphasized the agency’s role in providing technical assistance to state environmental-enforcement programs, purportedly as an effective substitute for assertive federal enforcement efforts. However, most states can’t fill that federal role: Over the past decade numerous state environmental agencies have experienced major budget cuts. These cuts forced the elimination of 4,400 state-agency staff positions, and many of those layoffs have had a markedly detrimental effect on state-level environmental enforcement.

On top of this, a good number of states simply lack the political will to pursue meaningful enforcement actions against polluters. Making things even worse, the EPA has completely dropped its traditional oversight of state enforcement programs — a policy change that appears to have bolstered the resolve of anti-safeguard states to eliminate every vestige of environmental enforcement.

Is the worst yet to come? Near the end of last month, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced an additional gift to polluters and pro-industry ideologues when it issued a notice inviting the public “to identify additional reforms that will ensure adequate due process in regulatory enforcement.” The plain premise of this request — which, like the enforcement decline, fell under the radar — is that administrative enforcement poses a threat to the constitutional rights of regulated parties and is thus in need of major reform.

pesticide cans
Discarded pesticide cans in 1972. Photo: Gene Daniels/EPA

In the case of the EPA, certainly, this premise is entirely false. There is simply no legitimate reason to suspect that EPA enforcement practices and procedures deny due process to any party.

OMB’s solicitation of comments is clearly designed to collect exaggerated regulatory “horror stories” from well-paid lawyers representing polluters and other scofflaws. Their claims may overstate the harm to their clients while omitting mention of relevant ameliorating factors.

Unfortunately it seems likely that President Trump’s administration will use the one-sided “data” OMB collects from industry lawyers to further decimate enforcement at the EPA and other agencies and make it practically impossible to successfully pursue more than a tiny number of administrative enforcement actions.

To the extent that comes to pass, the EPA and its sister agencies will be deprived of a much-needed and valuable enforcement tool to redress environmental pollution and other wrongdoing — and in the process, American citizens’ health, safety and well-being will suffer needless but very real damage.

The opinions expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Revelator, the Center for Biological Diversity or their employees.

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10 Species Climate Change Could Push to Extinction

From the mountains of Ethiopia to the ice floes of the Arctic, numerous species could be pushed to the brink. Here’s how.

Polar bears are often seen as the poster child for climate change — and for good reason. The charismatic Arctic dwellers depend on dwindling sea ice to survive, and their plight has caught the world’s attention.

Sadly they’re far from the only species at risk from a warming planet.

“There is growing evidence that climate change will become one of the major drivers of species extinctions in the 21st century,” reported the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which manages the global Red List of threatened species.

Scientists have found that half of all mammals and a quarter of birds listed as threatened have already been harmed by climate change.

For at least one, the changes have been too much.

In 2019 the Bramble Cay melomys, a small rodent that lived only on an island in the Great Barrier Reef that was swamped by rising seas, earned the unfortunate distinction of being the first mammal declared extinct due to climate change.

It won’t be the last.

Climate change is shrinking the range of species like the American pika, which may soon run out of suitable habitat. For green sea turtles, hotter sand in which eggs incubate has already started to skew the sex of hatchlings. Females outnumber males by 99% in some places.

Other species are finding less food, more competition for limited resources, or inhospitable conditions to which they can’t adapt fast enough.

If greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated, many more species will join the Bramble Cay melomys.

Watch the video below to learn about 10 species we could lose.

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Trump Admin’s Clean Water Rollback Will Hit Some States Hard

But the effects of removing this “environmental safety net” won’t be felt equally. States with fewer local protections and resources will suffer the most — as will their people and wildlife.

The Santa Fe River starts high in the forests of New Mexico’s Sangre de Cristo mountains and flows 46 miles to the Rio Grande. Along the way it plays important roles for wildlife, irrigation, recreation and other cultural uses, and provides 40% of the water supply for the city of Santa Fe’s 85,000 residents.

But some stretches of the river don’t flow year-round, and that means parts of this vitally important water system could lose federal protections under changes to clean-water rules just passed by the Trump administration.

The administration’s new Navigable Waters Protection Rule replaces the Obama-era Waters of the U.S. (or WOTUS) rule that defined which waterways were protected under the Clean Water Act. The Obama administration broadened and clarified which waters were safe, but the new rule takes a much narrower view. Under the changes many waterways lose federal protection. That includes ephemeral streams and rivers that depend on seasonal precipitation — like parts of the Santa Fe — as well as waters that cross state boundaries and wetlands that aren’t adjacent to major water bodies.

This loss of protections means pesticides, mining waste, and other pollutants can be dumped into these streams and unconnected wetlands can be filled for development without running afoul of federal authorities.

“This puts drinking water for millions of Americans at risk of contamination from unregulated pollution,” Blan Holman, a senior attorney at the Southern Environmental Law Center, told The New York Times. “This is not just undoing the Obama rule. This is stripping away protections that were put in place in the ’70s and ’80s that Americans have relied on for their health.”

The rule flies in the face of basic science about river ecology and groundwater, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s own scientists. Even if streams don’t flow all the time or wetlands don’t touch major bodies of water, dumping pollutants into them can still harm the watershed — and by extension drinking water and wildlife.

The Trump administration promised these changes would offer more control to states, but many state officials say they find the new rules problematic, confusing and potentially dangerous.

“One of our biggest concerns with the final rule is that it’s not rooted in sound science,” says Rebecca Roose, water protection division director of the New Mexico Environment Department. “And there was really no attempt by the agency to reconcile the final rule with the scientific basis for the 2015 WOTUS rule and advice from the scientific community.”

While these changes will be felt in every state, they won’t be felt equally.

Some states may not be equipped to deal with what’s coming, says Jen Pelz, an attorney and biologist at the nonprofit group WildEarth Guardians.

Weak Links

To understand these changes, it helps to look to the East Coast, where the 64,000 square-mile Chesapeake Bay watershed touches six states and the District of Columbia. Decades of concerted effort and millions of dollars have helped clean up and protect its network of creeks, streams, rivers and wetlands that flow into the tidal bay.

Experts fear the new rule could undo some of that effort.

Chesapeake Bay wetlands in Maryland. Photo by Timothy Pohlhaus, (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

The most damage could come from Delaware, West Virginia and the District of Columbia, which lack strong state laws to protect waters. In Delaware alone, 200,000 acres of wetlands could now be susceptible to pollution or drained and filled for development, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation reported.

Wetlands like those in the Chesapeake serve as a critical safeguard for filtering water pollution, according to the EPA. Coastal wetlands can also help prevent floods and storm surges, with are both likely to increase with climate change and sea-level rise.

And this weakening of protections in some states in the region could harm the entire multistate watershed because of the interconnected nature of waterways.

“Wetlands that are not connected on the surface with rivers are vital parts of a river network and significantly influence water quality, the rate of flow and the biological communities in larger rivers,” Ellen Wohl, a professor of geosciences at Colorado State University and an expert in river systems, told The Revelator last year, when the rule change was proposed. Even when there’s no surface connectivity, wetlands “can still be connected below the ground with other portions of the drainage basin,” she explained.

That’s an issue not just in the Chesapeake. Holman expressed concern about how it will affect states across the South. The rollback of protections is likely to affect drinking-water quality — and the states with the least resources to handle more pollution will be hit hardest.

“Who loses when that protection is removed? The people living downstream,” Holman wrote recently in The Guardian. “They will have dirtier drinking water and more flooding. This is especially true in the South, where state environmental agency staff are routinely underfunded, understaffed and overwhelmed by pro-polluting politics and industries.” The Clean Water Act previously leveled the playing field for these communities across the country, but now that’s gone.

State Safeguards

Those states with stronger state-level environmental laws, however, will be less vulnerable.

California, for example, has enacted state laws that protect all its wetlands and ephemeral streams. That means the clean water rollbacks would be less damaging — but it doesn’t mean that California is entirely unaffected.

Federal funding that helps support water-quality protections in the state would be lost and — just like in the Chesapeake watershed — there’s concern about waterways that cross into California from other states like Oregon, Arizona and even Colorado.

“Ephemeral streams across the Colorado River Basin states and Oregon contribute significant volumes of water to rivers flowing adjacent to and into California,” says George Kostyrko, director of the Office of Communications for California’s State Water Resources Control Board. “Millions of Californians and hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland in the Imperial and Coachella valleys depend on Colorado River water that will no longer have minimal federal protections.”

Will the feds step in if one state’s waters start to cause pollution in another? California officials aren’t so sure.

“Generally, the Clean Water Act will still require federal agencies to follow state water laws,” Kostyrko says. “We have grave concerns about how the federal administration could push boundaries here, though.”

Costly Burden, Bigger Picture

The rule was sold to states as a way to boost their authority and give them more control over how waters within their boundaries are designated.

“All states have their own protections for waters within their borders and many already regulate more broadly than the federal government,” EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said in a statement announcing the rule.

Unfortunately, that’s not true for states like New Mexico.

“The premise that all states are capable of addressing water quality issues in their state is false,” officials from the New Mexico Environment Department wrote in their public comments on the rule last year. “Not all states can implement a robust and successful water quality program without significant federal assistance.”

Roose says they originally estimated that around 96% of New Mexico’s waterways would lose federal protections. Since the final rule has been released, they’re re-evaluating it and believe it may be slightly less, but the vast majority of the state’s waterways would still fall outside the scope of federal jurisdiction under the new rule.

For a state with the second-worst economy in the United States, that poses some big problems.

New Mexico is already more reliant than most states on the federal government’s help implementing Clean Water Act regulations. Under the Act certain programs, like the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System, which issues permits to regulate pollution discharges from large sources like mining operations, municipal sewage-treatment plants and big construction operations, can be relegated to states. But New Mexico is one of just three states where the federal government administers and enforces the program.

With the federal government now relinquishing regulatory authority to huge amounts of New Mexico’s waterways, the state will need to find a way to fill those gaping holes to protect water quality — a process that won’t be easy, cheap or fast.

“If we already had a built-in program for permitting discharges to our surface waters, then we might be able to pick up that regulatory permitting slack with existing state and rules, like some other states are planning to do,” says Roose.

She says the state will do all it can to leverage its groundwater program and other regulations as it begins to work with the legislature to find funding and build capacity for a new regulatory program. It’s a process that would take a minimum of three to four years at best, she estimates.

Barring legal challenges that result in an injunction, the rule would be implemented in just a few months.

That means that for years some drinking-water sources will be more at risk, and so will wildlife. In New Mexico this includes imperiled species such as the Gila trout, Chiricahua leopard frog, Jemez salamander, Rio Grande silvery minnow and yellow-billed cuckoo.

Bird sitting in tree
A yellow-billed cuckoo in the Gila National Forest, N.M. Photo by Bettina Arrigoni, (CC BY 2.0)

And that’s not all.

“We think of it not just in terms of water-quality protection for healthy rivers and streams for healthy aquatic ecosystems,” says Roose. “We think about it as also tied to our economic viability for recreation and also a cultural resource for many individuals and communities and native communities throughout the state. So this cuts to the heart of who we are as New Mexicans.”

She says the state is exploring all legal options to block the rule from taking effect, including possible multistate litigation. California has already declared that it will fight the rule change, and numerous other states and environmental groups are expected to work to block the measure, too.

The rule’s fate may rest in the hands of the court, perhaps even the Supreme Court, but could also hinge on who wins the next presidential election. And there’s a lot that could be litigated.

“The administration certainly didn’t conduct an analysis of what waterways would be impacted,” says Pelz. It will come down to how various definitions in the regulation are interpreted, which could lead to other legal challenges. “For example, ‘typical year’ is a term used to help determine what waterways are covered. What does that mean?” she asks. “Is it the 30-year average streamflow? Does it take into account a warming climate?”

She anticipates the rule will face a lot of scrutiny in the courts, but it’s also only one part of a bigger picture.

Pelz says it’s important to think about this rule in the context of the past three years and the litany of environmental rollbacks set in motion by the Trump administration. Bedrock environmental laws across the board have come under assault from the administration, ranging from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 to the Endangered Species Act and National Environmental Policy Act.

“I think that the cumulative impact of all of these proposals is something that people aren’t really talking about,” she says. “We’re talking about the environmental safety net that has been in place since I was born. These fundamental environmental protections that we’ve all come to know as just a baseline are going to no longer exist.”

Editor’s Note: The Center for Biological Diversity, which publishes The Revelator, filed an intent sue the Trump administration on February 18 over the rule change. This story was in development before the announcement, and all content from The Revelator is editorially independent from the Center’s work.

Why We Need (Ethical) Wildlife Photography Now More Than Ever

Photographer Melissa Groo shares her experiences with advocacy and ethics in creating and sharing images of wild animals.

To be a good wildlife photographer, you need an expertly trained eye. But good ears help, too.

Melissa Groo learned that early on. Her unconventional path to become an award-winning wildlife photographer began with listening.the ask

Spurred by a deep curiosity about the way animals communicate, she left a job in Ohio focused on school reform and moved to Ithaca, N.Y., to study with renowned zoologist Katy Payne, an expert in the field of bioacoustics.

During six years as a research assistant with Payne at Cornell’s Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, including two field seasons in the Central African Republic, Groo built a lot of the skills she’d come to use later: waiting, watching and also listening.

Several years later, when she took a digital photography class at a community college and became hooked on the craft, she realized she could combine that new skill with her work in conservation and her compassion for animals.

Today her work is represented by the National Geographic Image Collection. She writes a regular column for Outdoor Photographer, is a contributing editor for Audubon and helped create a Guide to Ethical Bird Photography with naturalist Kenn Kaufman.

The Revelator spoke with Groo about why empathy is a key skill in wildlife photography, the challenges of an ethical practice in the social media age, and her favorite shot.

Melissa Groo
Wildlife photographer Melissa Groo. Photo courtesy of Melissa Groo

What drives you in your work, and what do you hope people learn?

The world is full of pretty pictures and digital photography has made incredible photography possible by so many of us now. But I feel that, especially given the state of the world and the environment, what’s needed more than just a pretty picture is a sense of advocacy and a real sense of conservation and compassion.

I’m very much drawn to the accuracy and honesty in the depiction of an animal and really showing the challenges to that animal’s life or interesting behavior that we haven’t seen much in pictures before.

I’ll do quite a bit of research before I share a photo or before I talk about a particular issue because I’m often seeking to educate with my photos about a particular challenge that a species is facing or ways that we can better support local wildlife.

For example, I work with a wildlife hospital and sometimes I go in to capture human-caused disturbances to local wildlife. So, let’s say a great blue heron comes in that’s been entangled in fishing line. I’ll photograph it when it comes in and then I’ll photograph it later while it’s being treated and rehabilitated. And then I’ll photograph the eventual release.

So I tell that complete story and then I use that story in a number of ways to try to educate people and give them information about how we can avoid things like this in our community.


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(Swipe left for all photos). Last year, this Barred Owl was found by the side of a road, hit by a car. He was taken to the wildlife hospital located at Cornell University. Due to severe injury, his left eye had to be taken out. Sometimes when a raptor’s eye is removed, they are not releasable, as they can’t hunt successfully. But this one could, and proved that over time while living with a rehabilitator. The decision was made to release him, and I suggested the large state forest next to which I live, in central New York. It’s perfect habitat for Barred Owls, and in fact I hear them regularly, though I never see them. These pictures all show him on release day, in a vet’s hands, being released by her, and then sitting in a nearby tree. The last few months I have been regularly hearing a pair of Barred Owls caterwauling as I lie in bed at night. I have no way of knowing but I like to think it’s this fellow, with his mate or an offspring of the year, keeping in touch as they move through the cathedral of trees outside my window. It’s my favorite part of living here, the absolute, profound quiet of night, punctuated only by these owls and my beloved songdogs (coyotes).

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That’s the thing with conservation photography. It’s not just about when you click the shutter. It’s what do you do with those photos after, how you educate with those photos, whether it’s the words that you put with them or the hands you get those photos into.

You’ve written a lot about the ethics of your field. How do wildlife photographers make sure they aren’t harming wildlife?

It’s about building a caring and compassion for the subject into your fieldcraft. And I think that gets lost a lot in this day and age when social media is king and people are trying to get the most “likes.” They’re cutting corners sometimes at the expense of the subject.

We want to get close, as photographers, but we need to know how to minimize our disruption. It’s really incumbent on us because wildlife face so many threats and challenges from all sides.

I always recommend that people study their subject before they go photograph to learn about the stressors for this animal, their habits, the signs of alarm or distress and how can we be better alert to those signs. People need to know if a particular animal is likely to abandon its nest or its den if you’re hanging out there for hours.

As important as knowing the right settings on your camera is building that empathy and that care into your fieldcraft and really thinking whether a picture is worth it. To us, this is just about a photo. But to wildlife, every single moment is about survival.

It seems like some wildlife photography can actually be downright exploitative. How do we as viewers recognize those images?

I’m really passionate about the photography of captive animals and trying to educate people on how to make choices about what sorts of facilities are ethical and really do care for their animals. And what sort of facilities, such as photography game farms, are completely exploitative.

At these game farms wild animals are kept in small cages, except when they’re trotted out for paying photographers. And when these photographers go away with these photos and they don’t tell the truth of these animals’ lives and they try to hoodwink their viewers into thinking this is authentically in the wild, it gives a lie to that animal’s life. And to me, it does an injustice to the animal as well as to the field of authentic wildlife photography.

Unfortunately the onus is on us now to differentiate ourselves from the unfortunate practices that are a blemish on the entire field of wildlife photography, like baiting of raptors. I think it’s really important for people to give accurate and honest captions and to let people know how you got a shot. It’s one way to stand out from photographers who don’t care about animal welfare and will do whatever it takes to get that stunning shot that’s going to get them a lot of likes on social media.

You initially got into conservation work because of your interest in sounds, particularly how animals communicate. We think of photography as being very visual, but do you rely a lot on listening?

Yes, having learned the sounds of birds has been a great tool for me. I live next to this big state forest and I’ll drive through with all my windows rolled down and I’m listening so hard. When I hear a species that I’m interested in, I know that I can stop and invest time trying to track that bird down and trying to photograph it.

I also use the sounds of other animals to alert me to something that I want to photograph.

Once I found this great horned owl because I heard all these crows mobbing something in the forest and I went running into the forest with my camera, and sure enough, they were mobbing a great horned owl.

Chipmunks have different chip warning calls for aerial predators than they do for terrestrial predators. If I hear them giving that the special call for aerial predators, then I know maybe there’s a Cooper’s hawk out in the yard.

I think it really helps you to be a better photographer if you’re a naturalist — even if you’re just a real amateur naturalist, which I consider myself.

Do you have a favorite species you like to photograph?

I love birds — just my backyard birds — owls and all kinds of birds.

I’m also really passionate about predators, particularly wild dogs like coyotes and foxes. And wild cats, like bobcats and lions. I’ve never seen a lynx but it’s high on my list.


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I’m fascinated with elusive predators. I feel there’s a real place for them in natural communities and I’m always trying to change minds about them. A lot of people regard these animals — mostly bobcats, foxes and coyotes — as varmint. And that makes me crazy. I think these are really special animals and knowing that they are around me where I live in upstate New York just lends so much magic and mystery and beauty to the landscape.

I love to travel to Africa and photograph the exquisite animals there. And I’ve loved photographing the spirit bear in British Columbia. But my favorite photo of all time was taken two miles from my house because it was two miles from my house. But also because it depicts a bobcat mother and her kit nuzzling each other. It’s such a rare photo and it’s such a rare moment in the wild to have been able to glimpse and to have captured on film.

It’s those moments that I live for.

Can the U.S. Slash Food Waste in Half in the Next Ten Years?

Emerging efforts by cities and the federal government show that progress is possible, but experts say systemic changes are still needed.

Can the United States make progress on its food-waste problems? Cities like San Francisco — and a growing list of actions by the federal government — show that it’s possible.

San Francisco passed the nation’s first mandatory composting law a little over 10 years ago, requiring residents and businesses to separate food waste for municipal trash collection. The city, which already had an enormously successful recycling program, incentivized composting through consumer education, a scalable fee structure and, as a last resort, penalties. It also streamlined its entire waste collection system by contracting with a single waste hauler. That company, in turn, now delivers food waste to a composting facility that converts it to rich fertilizer, which is sold to California’s vineyards and farms at a profit.

The result? Composting has helped San Francisco reduce its annual waste by a whopping 80%, taken pressure off local landfills, and reduced the city’s greenhouse gas emissions. And the city is now a global leader in municipal-waste reduction.

San Francisco’s success has inspired other local governments to take similar action. In recent years a dozen other cities and states have adopted their own mandatory composting laws. Although it’s still a growing movement nationally, experts say this composting shift represents an important way that the United States can tackle food waste.

Every year American consumers and businesses waste hundreds of millions of pounds of food. The EPA estimates that about 22% of the foods we produce end up in landfills, with another 22% burned for energy. This contributes to climate change and a host of other environmental and humanitarian issues.

food waste
Photo: EPA (uncredited)

Congress agrees on the national value of community composting as one element of solving this problem. The 2018 Farm Bill, which passed a little over a year ago, created a fund for new composting programs.

It was one part of an unprecedented suite of actions in the Farm Bill designed to curb U.S. food waste. The actions encourage systemic change in the country’s food system and support an ambitious government goal to slash domestic food waste by half in the next decade.

The Obama administration established that goal in 2015, and it continues today under the Trump administration. It mirrors a United Nations goal to halve food waste globally by 2030.

In the United States, the broader effort is spearheaded by the EPA and the Department of Agriculture. With help from the Farm Bill, the country now seems poised to bring about meaningful change.

However, experts caution that continued progress will depend on continued support from Congress and solid commitments from industry, government, nonprofits and even consumers.

The Promise of Reducing Waste

No matter which way you slice it, food waste is a significant issue. In the United States, up to 40% of all food is tossed in the garbage. It’s more than just the uneaten food you scrape off your plate. Food waste happens at every stage of production, from vegetables rotting on the vine to dumpsters full of unsold fruit and meat at your local grocery store.

“Our food system is operating with a 40% inefficiency,” says Katy Franklin, operations director for the nonprofit ReFED, a leading resource for food-waste research, data and solutions design. The organization works in support of both U.S. and UN waste goals.

rotting fruit
Photo: Scot Nelson (public domain)

It comes with a huge cost for the climate: This waste represents an enormous use of fossil fuel to grow, ship and refrigerate food that no one will ever eat. And as food products decompose, they release methane, a greenhouse gas with many times the heat-trapping potential of carbon dioxide. Nearly all discarded food in the U.S. ends up in landfills, where it produces up to 14% of our country’s methane emissions.

Looking at production, distribution and disposal, the United Nations estimates that excess wasted food generates a full 8% of worldwide global carbon emissions.

If food waste were a country, it would be the world’s third-largest greenhouse gas emitter after China and the United States.

And the waste contributes to a host of other problems, including deforestation, pollution from fertilizers and pesticides, and human-rights issues from forced labor or food inequality.

But recognizing that problem also creates the opportunities for improvement. Tackling food waste, Franklin points out, “can be a huge part of reducing greenhouse gas emissions” and solving other problems.

Franklin and others see a lot of reasons for optimism, especially the 2018 Farm Bill, the most important elements of which are just starting to take effect. Top food-waste experts at ReFED and the Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic collaborated on recommendations for the bill, which were mostly accepted by Congress.

“It was satisfying and really thrilling to see the bill provide both funding and intellectual investment in the issue,” says Franklin. “That’s a magical combination.”

The Farm Bill Creates Leadership

While the Farm Bill put a range of programs in motion, three specific elements showcase the systemic changes needed to achieve serious cuts in food waste.

First, the law set the stage for the creation of a high-level “food-waste liaison” under the Secretary of Agriculture, with specific duties for researching and cutting waste. Franklin calls the new position an exciting signal of government leadership, which can help galvanize participation throughout the business, consumer and government sectors. While the 2018 Farm Bill did not pay for this new position, preliminary funding was included in the 2020 appropriations bill that passed in December 2019. The provision was inserted in both bills by Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), who in 2018 also launched Congress’ first-ever Bipartisan Food Recovery Caucus and has introduced other bills to curb food waste.

Until the liaison is hired, many of the duties assigned to the position by the Farm Bill fall to Elise Golan, the USDA’s director for sustainable development. She describes the role as a natural fit for USDA because reducing food waste addresses the department’s focus areas, including agriculture, nutrition, food safety and the environment.

Golan’s office is presently determining the best methods to define and measure U.S. food waste, an early task the Farm Bill laid out for the liaison.

“We need benchmarks to generate good statistics,” she says, “but even more importantly they help us identify the drivers of waste at every level, from farms to consumers.”

Although some broad national estimates exist, experts say a lack of more specific data limits the ability to track progress in reducing waste across the entire food system. A 2019 Government Accountability Office report reached similar conclusions. The report identified specific data gaps and pointed to inconsistent methods for measuring food waste among government agencies and others as a barrier to progress.

Golan says part of solving that problem requires greater coordination among federal agencies, another liaison role described by the Farm Bill. As an example of headway toward the goal, she points to an interagency strategy signed in 2019 by EPA, USDA and the Food and Drug Administration, which includes a commitment to improving food-waste measurement.

Other roles the liaison may eventually take on, as dictated in the Farm Bill, include raising public awareness, expanding existing programs, and nurturing both governmental and non-governmental partnerships, broad roles that experts say are best served by federal leadership.

Feeding the Hungry

In the second effort at establishing systemic change, the Farm Bill set the stage for removing hurdles that commonly prevent supermarkets, restaurants and farmers from donating unwanted food to charity.

According to the nonprofit Feeding America and other experts, food donations carry enormous potential for reducing waste while helping people in need. But getting companies to donate goods has been a problem. Surveys have shown that many retailers avoid donating surplus food because they fear potential lawsuits over less-than-optimal foodstuffs, even though they’d theoretically be protected by so-called “good Samaritan” laws.

City Harvest
City Harvest food-rescue truck. USDA Photo by Lance Cheung.

The Farm Bill took steps to fix that problem by clarifying protections established more than two decades ago under the 1996 Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act. The Act previously offered liability to individual donors, nonprofits and “gleaners” — people who gather excess food left behind on agricultural fields. The new bill expanded that liability protection to cover direct donations by retailers.

The Farm Bill also required whoever eventually takes on the food-waste liaison role to publish additional guidance on the Bill Emerson Act, something no agency has done in the decades since the law’s passage.

Experts say weeding out this confusion around liability protections can spur growth in commercial food donations. Toward that end, the Farm Bill also authorizes millions of dollars to help farmers participate in donation programs, especially for the perishables that comprise a high percentage of U.S. food waste. As one of the first examples, this September the USDA rolled out a new program that reimburses farmers for milk donated to low-income families.

More Composting

The third example from the Farm Bill is a new fund to support community composting programs, which provides a total of $25 million to jumpstart pilot efforts in at least ten states.

Franklin and others call this provision especially important.

“There are so many valuable components of food-waste material,” says Franklin. “There’s really no reason they shouldn’t be part of a circular economy that helps produce energy, soil and other products.”

A butterfly lands on fresh compost. USDA Photo by Lance Cheung.

That’s just what San Francisco’s mandatory composting law has done, while also alleviating the burden on landfills and sharply cutting heat-trapping methane emissions.

There’s an economic benefit, too, says Franklin. Recycling food often creates more jobs than tossing it. That point holds true in Massachusetts, where recycling food waste supported over 900 jobs and $175 million in economic activity in 2016 alone, according to a recent report from the state government.

The three Farm Bill examples track well with a “food recovery hierarchy” developed by the EPA and others to guide thinking on food waste. It emphasizes that communities address waste prevention as their top priority, then move through a series of other solutions that include donating, repurposing and composting food, all before the least desirable practice of dumping it in a landfill.

food recovery hierarchy

Beyond the Farm Bill

Congress and government agencies are far from the only ones working on food waste. If anything, they’re late arrivals in a field where conservation and humanitarian groups have been toiling for years. They include the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), ReFED, Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic, Feeding America and many others, as well as hundreds of local food rescue groups that connect unwanted food with people in need. In fact, the Farm Bill provisions reflect many of these organizations’ longstanding recommendations.

The groups have helped spur the food industry into action. For example, large retailers such as Walmart began efforts to standardize food expiration labels after a 2013 report by NRDC and the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic showed confusion over the labels leads up to 90% of Americans to toss perfectly good food. In 2017 they were joined by industry associations representing dozens of major firms, who volunteered to trim the more than ten date labels — including “best by,” “sell by,” and “expires on” — to just two: “best if used by” and “use by.”

The Food and Drug Administration approved their choice of “best if used by” to indicate optimal quality this past May but stopped short of sanctioning “use by” as a marker for when an item could be safely consumed.

Still, ReFED and others point out that voluntary industry efforts are not enough. They say a continuing mishmash of retailer approaches and state food safety laws have prevented the universal standardization of labels. That standardization, they say, is only achievable by federal legislation that includes oversight, comprehensive consumer education, and consistency between state and federal laws. That may still emerge: In 2019 Rep. Pingree of Maine introduced label reform legislation that matches ReFED’s recommendations.

But as label reform shows, major industry players are coming to the table to help fight food waste. The EPA and USDA encourage their efforts through the 2030 Food Waste Champions program, which highlights companies working toward the government’s 2030 goal. Members include Walmart, Campbells, Kellogg, Kroger and more than 20 other large retailers. Although the program is voluntary and doesn’t require independent verification, highlighting again the need for better overall measurement standards, supporters argue it incentivizes companies to reduce waste.

“We’ve been lucky,” says Franklin, “because reducing food waste has a lot of appeal among businesses right now.”

But as Franklin says, unexpected events or market shifts could temper efforts at any time. She also points to the need for greater consumer education, as she’s regularly reminded that most people remain unaware of the food-waste problem.

But she sees promising work there, too, and highlights the World Wildlife Fund’s Food Waste Warrior toolkit for school teachers. Similar experiential education is also included in a bill Rep. Pingree and others introduced in January, which would initiate a new federally supported food-waste program in schools.

Street sandwich
Enjoy every sandwich. Photo: John R. Platt/The Revelator (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

Taken together, all of these examples show legislators, agencies, nonprofits and industry collaborating to tackle food waste, with growing coordination around the government’s 2030 goal. Experts say such coordination is necessary for solving America’s — and the world’s — food-waste problem.

Ultimately consumer behaviors also need to change, but once again we can look to San Francisco for proof that this can work. Once the city government and industry put in place tools and incentives, consumer behaviors followed.

Franklin calls it a matter of fitting all the puzzle pieces together — and it’s almost like assembling a recipe to reduce food waste.

Experts agree we’re still a long way from meeting our 2030 goal, and caution that the years ahead will show if continued coordination and investment keep us moving forward, but they also say the hunger for solutions is another sign of progress.


Divesting From What Was, Investing in What Might Be

Students successfully mobilized to pressure Georgetown University to divest from fossil fuels. What comes next?

When students first began organizing a fossil-fuel divestment campaign a few years ago at Georgetown University, where I teach environmental studies, they knew the road ahead would be mostly uphill. At a prestigious university with millions in investments, the bureaucratic realities were all too evident.

Still, that first wave of students persisted, staging colorful events and inspiring demonstrations on campus. In the process they garnered enough support to convince the university to divest from coal.

That was five years ago, and since then the stakes have only gotten higher — along with the temperatures.

Flash forward, and now the current incarnation of student activists has just achieved a remarkable victory: The university revealed this month that it will freeze and phase out all fossil fuel holdings over the next five to ten years.

The announcement came on the heels of a student referendum vote that passed by an overwhelming 90.7%. It quickly prompted a number of commentators to reflect on the enormity of the moment.

As critical as this decision is — and as influential as it may yet be to other educational institutions — a secondary aspect of the narrative has received less attention and could be the key component going forward: Georgetown will now also repurpose its funds and energies toward renewability.

“The board’s decision directs endowment funds to be invested in areas such as renewable energy,” the Washington Post wrote. This rare commitment to reinvest directly in alternative and renewable resources is an important development in the wider campaign.

That effort will start at home. The university’s press release on Feb. 6 touted its increasing efforts toward “reducing its carbon footprint, supporting education, research efforts and other measures.”

This ethos was reflected in the final policy language adopted by the board of directors that same day, including the reiteration of an overarching intention to contribute “to our transition to a more sustainable world.” The prospective nature of these sentiments is both promising and necessary.

As the GU Fossil Free (GUFF) site implores: “To truly invest in our future, we must divest from our destruction.” Looking at the “Why We Fight” section of the site evokes memories for me of the many dedicated students who have done this work, but it also serves to remind us all of the stakes.

GU Fossil Free
Photo: GU Fossil Free

These students haven’t just been working to address past actions and change current policies; they’ve also been futuring — planning for the days and years to come with a systematic approach. “I don’t want my legacy to be ‘the person who knew but did not act’,” Ezequiel Espiricueta said on the site. “It’s time to step up, stand for justice, and protect our futures,” observed Lucy Chatfield.

It is this piece of the puzzle — pointing toward the arduous road ahead while maintaining a sense of possibility — that ultimately may be the most effective and inspiring result of all. It validates a core premise of social change efforts more generally: the need to not only stand against, but for.

As GUFF member Sadie Morris described it, the major task at hand is no less than the urgent need for “recognizing and forcing the systematic, global change that needs to take place,” in order “to create a human system that is compatible with a healthy and happy planet and healthy and happy people.”

Knowing many of these students may serve to bias my views on all of this, but it’s equally the case that the overall momentum of future-oriented change efforts steadily has been tipping toward youth (as environmental systems approach parallel “tipping points”). I wrote as much a few months ago.

What comes next? For Georgetown, it will entail a strategic process to identify the right investments and places where the institution’s assets can have the most positive impact. Efforts toward greening the campus and promoting sustainability inside and outside the classroom will build on those already in place.

For GUFF and students around the world, the challenge now will be to replicate this success at other institutions, and to turn their investments away from the fossil fuel economy of the past and reinvest them in a renewable future.

And for the rest of us? Whatever else we invest in for the future, we need to continue to support the efforts of today’s youth to mobilize for change. It may be that investing in the work of these students will yield the greatest returns of all.

The opinions expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Revelator, the Center for Biological Diversity or their employees.

Trump Budget Proposal Reveals Regressive Environmental Priorities

The White House’s 2021 federal budget proposal eliminates several important programs and slashes funding for others — like the Endangered Species Act.

President Donald Trump has unveiled his budget proposal for the next federal fiscal year, and it’s predictably harsh for wildlife and the environment — but great for oil, gas and coal.

White House budgetOf course, the annual presidential budget is more spectacle than anything else. The real budget each year comes from Congress, which may or may not take up the president’s suggestions.

But whether White House budget proposal’s recommendations go any further, it reveals the dark truth about the Trump administration’s priorities, especially as they relate to environmental issues.

Here’s what we see in this year’s budget:

  • The Environmental Protection Agency’s budget would be slashed 26.5%, including a 10% reduction in the Superfund hazardous-waste cleanup program, a nearly 50% reduction in research and development, a $376 million take from efforts to improve air quality, and the elimination of 50 programs that the administration perceives as outside the “core” of the EPA’s mission (among them: clean-water grants for disadvantaged communities and the EnergyStar energy-conservation program). It would also reduce EPA staffing to its lowest levels in three decades, further hampering enforcement of existing regulations.
  • The Department of the Interior would lose 8% of its budget, including $587 million from the National Park Service and $80 million from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. That includes an $11 million reduction in the Endangered Species Act listing program (which evaluates species for their extinction risk).
  • Federal land acquisition through the Land and Water Conservation Fund would be nearly eliminated through a 97% budget cut — after a long fight to reauthorize the program over the past two years.
  • The Multinational Species Conservation Fund would be cut by $9 million.
  • State and tribal wildlife grants would lose more than half of their funding.
  • The Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy funding would be cut by 74% and the Advanced Research Project Agency–Energy efforts would be eliminated as part of a larger trend toward defunding research and development and basic science.

  • The U.S. Geological Survey would lose about half of its ecosystem funding, including a $36.6 million reduction for the Climate Adaptation Science Center and $37.2 million for the Species Management Research Program, which supports the recovery and conservation of hot-button species like the greater sage grouse and desert tortoise.
  • NOAA would lose several programs, including the Sea Grant, Coastal Zone Management Grants, education grants and the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund.
  • Also gone: the National Park Service’s Save America’s Treasures grants and the Highlands Conservation Act grant.
  • The Centers for Disease Control, as part of Health and Human Services, could lose 9% of its budget, while the U.S. contribution to the World Health Organization would be cut in half — although the administration says it won’t touch coronavirus-related funding.
  • U.S. funding for United Nations peacekeeping efforts would be cut by $447 million — just as the threat from climate change makes certain conflicts more likely.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the nearly $1 trillion in proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare, which came just two days after President Trump promised no changes to those programs.

Meanwhile the budget increases some funding in unexpected places:

  • The border wall would get $2 billion in extra funding, with another $182 million devoted to hiring 750 new Border Patrol agents and 300 border processing coordinators and related support staff. That doesn’t even include the $544 million earmarked to hire 6,000 ICE personnel.
  • Infrastructure would get $1 trillion in funding, which is great, but development projects — notably pipelines and other energy-related projects — would also be subject to a sped-up permitting process designed to supersede pesky environmental regulations such as the National Environmental Policy Act.
  • Nuclear energy will get $1.2 billion in research and development funding (although the budget eliminates the money to license the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository).
  • The budget adds $188 million in funding to map the ocean floor — a precursor to coastal development and deep-sea mining.
  • It also adds an unspecified amount of money for the promotion of coal, including support of “extracting critical minerals from coal and coal byproducts as one of many non-thermal, non-power uses of coal.”
  • The Department of Justice’s Environment & Natural Resources Division has asked for an additional $4.8 million and five new attorneys to help it defend the administration’s antienvironmental policies, including the border wall, changes to the Clean Air and Clean Water acts, and other aspects of the “natural resource regulatory reform agenda.” DOJ says “virtually every significant agency action implementing this agenda has been or will be challenged.”
  • And the budget promises continued support for and increases in U.S. oil and natural gas development.

The budget also takes a quiet jab at the media by promising to cut money spent on “subscriptions.” This continues a trend the administration started last year when it cancelled White House subscriptions to The New York Times and The Washington Post and promised to repeat this version of “cancel culture” throughout the federal government. The president has infamously called journalists the “enemies of the people.”

It’s doubtful that much of this will make the final budget — Congress reinstated many of the Trump administration’s proposed cuts when they wrote the official 2020 budget — but does that really matter? The administration has already shown its willingness to not spend congressionally allocated money on programs it doesn’t like. Earlier this month congressional Democrats revealed that the Department of Energy has held onto $823 in funding for clean-energy research and development — a program whose funding the administration had originally proposed cutting by 86%.

No matter what happens in Congress, we can expect the same type of budgetary actions from this administration in the future.

“We’re going to keep proposing these types of budgets and hope that at some point Congress will have some sense of fiscal sanity and join us in trying to tackle our debt and deficits,” Russ Vought, acting director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, said during a press briefing.

Speaking of that debt, the Congressional Budget Office last month projected that the federal budget deficit will reach $1.02 trillion this year due in large part to the Trump administration’s tax cuts. The national debt, meanwhile, rose to a record $23 trillion this past November. Experts say White House budget will not be able to address either of those problems.

Does the Trump budget propose anything beneficial? Ironically, it promises to tackle wasteful federal spending on things like travel. Whether that includes the $650 a night that the Secret Service has been paying to house its agents at the president’s luxury properties remains to be seen.

Help For Lemurs: How to Save the World’s Most Endangered Mammals

Habitat destruction is the biggest threat facing ruffed lemurs. But it's a problem we can fix.

The island of Madagascar off the southeastern coast of Africa hosts at least 12,000 plant species and 700 vertebrate species, 80% to 90% of which are found nowhere else on Earth.

Isolated for the last 88 million years and covering an area approximately the size of the northeastern United States, Madagascar is one of the world’s hottest biodiversity hotspots. Its island-wide species diversity is striking, but its tropical forest biodiversity is truly exceptional.

Sadly, human activities are ravaging tropical forests worldwide. Habitat fragmentation, over-harvesting of wood and other forest products, over-hunting, invasive species, pollution and climate change are depleting many of these forests’ native species.

Among these threats, climate change receives special attention because of its global reach. But in my research, I have found that in Madagascar it is not the dominant reason for species decline, although of course it’s an important long-term factor.

As a primatologist and lemur specialist, I study how human pressures affect Madagascar’s highly diverse and endemic signature species. In two recent studies, colleagues and I have found that in particular, the ruffed lemur — an important seed disperser and indicator of rainforest health — is being disproportionately impacted by human activities. Importantly, habitat loss is driving ruffed lemurs’ distributions and genetic health. These findings will be key to helping save them.

The Forest Is Disappearing

Madagascar has lost nearly half (44%) of its forests within the last 60 years, largely due to slash-and-burn agriculture — known locally as “tavy” — and charcoal production. Habitat loss and fragmentation runs throughout Madagascar’s history, and the rates of change are staggering.

This destruction threatens Madagascar’s biodiversity and its human population. Nearly 50% of the country’s remaining forest is now located within 300 feet (100 meters) of an unforested area. Deforestation, illegal hunting and collection for the pet trade are pushing many species toward the brink of extinction.

In fact, the International Union for Conservation of Nature estimates that 95% of Madagascar’s lemurs are now threatened, making them the world’s most endangered mammals. Pressure on Madagascar’s biodiversity has significantly increased over the last decade.

Deforestation in Madagascar
Deforestation from slash-and-burn agriculture in the peripheral zones of Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. Photo by Nina Beeby/Ranomafana Ruffed Lemur Project, (CC BY-ND)

Deforestation Threatens Ruffed Lemur Survival

In a newly published study, climate scientist Toni Lyn Morelli, species distribution expert Adam Smith and I worked with 19 other researchers to study how deforestation and climate change will affect two critically endangered ruffed lemur species over the next century. Using combinations of different deforestation and climate change scenarios, we estimate that suitable rainforest habitat could be reduced by as much as 93%.

If left unchecked, deforestation alone could effectively eliminate ruffed lemurs’ entire eastern rainforest habitat and with it, the animals themselves. In sum, for these lemurs the effects of forest loss will outpace climate change.

But we also found that if current protected areas lose no more forest, climate change and deforestation outside of parks will reduce suitable habitat by only 62%. This means that maintaining and enhancing the integrity of protected areas will be essential for saving Madagascar’s rainforest habitats.

Based on this analysis, we parsed out which landscape variables — including rivers, elevation, roads, habitat quality and human population density — best explained gene flow in ruffed lemurs. We found that human activity was the best predictor of ruffed lemurs’ population structure and gene flow. Deforestation alongside human communities was the most significant barrier.

In a study published in November 2019, my colleagues and I showed that ruffed lemurs depend on habitat cover to survive. We investigated natural and human-caused impediments that prevent the lemurs from spreading across their range, and tracked the movement of their genes as they ranged between habitats and reproduced. This movement, known as gene flow, is important for maintaining genetic variability within populations, allowing lemurs to adapt to their ever-changing environments.

Taken together, these and other lines of evidence show that deforestation poses an imminent threat to conservation on Madagascar. Based on our projections, habitat loss is a more immediate threat to lemurs than climate change, at least in the immediate future.

This matters not only for lemurs, but also for other plants and animals in the areas where lemurs are found. The same is true at the global level: More than one-third (about 36.5%) of Earth’s plant species are exceedingly rare and disproportionately affected by human use of land. Regions where the most rare species live are experiencing higher levels of human impact.

Crisis Can Drive Conservation

Scientists have warned that the fate of Madagascar’s rich natural heritage hangs in the balance. Results from our work suggest that strengthening protected areas and reforestation efforts will help to mitigate this devastation while environmentalists work toward long-term solutions for curbing the runaway greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change.

Already, nonprofits are working hard toward these goals. A partnership between Dr. Edward E. Louis Jr., founder of Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership and director of Conservation Genetics at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, and the Arbor Day Foundation’s Plant Madagascar project has replanted nearly 3 million trees throughout Kianjavato, one region identified by our study. Members of Centre ValBio’s reforestation team — a nonprofit based just outside of Ranomafana National Park that facilitates our ruffed lemur research — are following suit.

At an international conference in Nairobi earlier this year, Madagascar’s president, Andry Rajoelina, promised to reforest 40,000 hectares (99,000 acres) every year for the next five years — the equivalent of 75,000 football fields. This commitment, while encouraging, unfortunately lacks a coherent implementation plan.

Our projections highlight areas of habitat persistence, as well as areas where ruffed lemurs could experience near-complete habitat loss or genetic isolation in the not-so-distant future. Lemurs are an effective indicator of total non-primate community richness in Madagascar, which is another way of saying that protecting lemurs will protect biodiversity. Our results can help pinpoint where to start.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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