Scott Pruitt

Industry Is Taking Over the EPA

A new study finds the EPA is now on the verge of “regulatory capture,” making it a servant of the companies it is supposed to regulate.
June 7, 2018
A new study finds the EPA is now on the verge of “regulatory capture,” making it a servant of the companies it is supposed to regulate.
migrating tundra swans

The Trump Administration’s Awful New Migratory Bird Policy Undermines a Century of Conservation

The Interior Department is narrowing protection for migratory birds to cover only deliberate harm such as hunting, but not threats like development or pollution that kill millions of birds yearly.
April 17, 2018
The Interior Department is narrowing protection for migratory birds to cover only deliberate harm such as hunting, but not threats like development or pollution that kill millions of birds yearly.
beach trash

The Secret Value of Trash

Some people think beach cleanup efforts don’t accomplish much. They’re missing part of the picture.
October 23, 2017
Some people think beach cleanup efforts don’t accomplish much. They’re missing part of the picture.