Icebreaker ship in water

5 Things You Should Know About the Earth’s Warming Ocean

Climate change has caused record-breaking ocean temperatures, and that means more dangerous storms, trouble for coral reefs and big changes for our marine ecosystems.
January 29, 2020
Climate change has caused record-breaking ocean temperatures, and that means more dangerous storms, trouble for coral reefs and big changes for our marine ecosystems.
People on flooded street

Storms and Rising Seas Threaten Coastal Ecosystems — Here’s What We Can Do

We’ve made little progress in preparing our communities and vital ecosystems for storms and sea-level rise, but there are tools we can use if government agencies and nonprofits take action.
November 6, 2019
We’ve made little progress in preparing our communities and vital ecosystems for storms and sea-level rise, but there are tools we can use if government agencies and nonprofits take action.

Saving the Vaquita: New Promises and New Threats

In response to pressures from the international community, Mexico has agreed to take more steps to prevent the porpoises’ extinction — but with fewer than 20 remaining, will that be enough?
October 14, 2019
In response to pressures from the international community, Mexico has agreed to take more steps to prevent the porpoises’ extinction — but with fewer than 20 remaining, will that be enough?