Evidence from the pandemic found that bighorn sheep populations soared when people weren’t around to disturb them.

Evidence from the pandemic found that bighorn sheep populations soared when people weren’t around to disturb them.

Evidence from the pandemic found that bighorn sheep populations soared when people weren’t around to disturb them.


A collection of balls from various sports, of multiple colors

As teams travel thousands of miles to compete, the cost to the planet rises. But sports offer a unique opportunity to advocate for sustainable experiences.

Whether they’re primers on environmental activism or a series on resisting autocrats, these books offer a chance to study up for the bumpy years ahead.

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Looking up on twisty trees against a blue sky

Park boundaries can’t protect against everything, and the trees that give the reserve its name remain threatened by climate change, fire, and an invasive fungus.

A pile of old typsetting letters

An alphabetical look at the environmental threats, priorities, and opportunities of the year ahead.

The world still faces a growing extinction crisis, but that hasn’t stopped conservation efforts or individual overachievers. Here are some of the animals who made a difference.

Sonoran Desert National Monument, photo by Bob Wick/BLM

In 2024 our experts explored subjects ranging from autocratic governments to green jobs and new ways to help endangered species.

old-growth forest

Solutions to our environmental ills abound in these popular Revelator articles from 2024.

Four elephants lined up on a grassy expanse, with a treeline behind them

We asked conservation researchers to send us their best papers of 2024. They surprised us with some powerful and important science.

A line of elephants stands in front of a camera

Arguments abound on the benefits and dangers of trophy hunting. We need a careful, measured approach to analyzing how it’s justified and promoted.

This year brought essential reading on climate change, endangered species, ecology, environmental justice, and other important topics about protecting the planet.

The United Kingdom, a major European player in the global ornamental fish trade, offers a case study of this industry’s problems — and its potential solutions.


environmental newsThe Revelator, an environmental news and commentary initiative of the Center for Biological Diversity, provides editorially independent reporting, analysis and stories at the intersection of politics, conservation, art, culture, endangered species, climate change, economics and the future of wild species, wild places and the planet.